Thursday 13 May 2010

They don't read the papers

It’s said ‘this generation’, ‘young people’ etc don’t read the papers but get all their information from the internet. Don’t we agree that if that’s true, it’s a pity?

I don’t think kids/young adults, many of them (let alone older adults), know what papers are, what they do, how they’re used.

So in my school every day will start in the tutor group/home room/whatever with reading and discussing the papers. They’ll all be available in each room in sufficient copies. (The publishers will supply them free in hope of future custom.) The teachers will get in an hour early to review them. (If necessary the kids will come in an hour later. Or be in some sort of study room when they arrive.)

The proceedings around the day’s papers will be a mixture of browsing and directed inquiry. The students will get to know what to expect from each paper. They’ll do a lot of comparison of treatments of the same story, but will also come to appreciate the best writers, best cartoonists, best sports pages, best tv coverage. And they’ll learn what goes on on the financial pages.

Seems rather obvious, doesn’t it. Why isn’t it done? probably because it isn’t a ‘subject’.

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